I am Clare Solomon and listed below are the types of editing work I offer and the exact cost. As well as having an English & Communications degree and an interest in the English language, I also write and self-publish novels. I have been writing for about 30 years, although I only began self-publishing in 2016, and when I considered finding an editor I did not know where to start. Editors provided a variety of services that were not always clearly explained and many were charging a fortune for their work or giving no idea of the cost. This book editing business aims to provide a good quality, reasonably priced service for authors. If you want to know more about me I have a biography here. You can also check the testimonials from writers who have hired me to edit for them.
Copy Editing, aka Proofreading
This involves checking through the manuscript to point out errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation, as well as looking for consistency of style and tone, overuse of particular words and general mistakes such as a character suddenly being called by a different name.
Structural Editing
This type of editing involves checking that the plot and/or characters are working well in your novel. For the plot, it would mean looking at the overall plot and any sub-plot as well as studying every scene to ensure everything is contributing to an entertaining, readable story. A character analysis would involve looking at the main character arc(s) and ensuring that the characters are sufficiently well-rounded to hold the readers’ attention for the length of the novel and that they have clear goals that they follow.
For non-fiction, a structural edit would involve ensuring that the book as a whole works well for its audience, including that the writing moves at a good pace and the book is assembled in a logical way.
You might want to get help with the structure or development of your manuscript at any stage: when you’re planning it, if you get halfway through and get writer’s block, or when it is finished.
What Manuscripts I Accept
I only accept manuscripts written in English from writers wanting a British-English editing service.
I only accept manuscripts in Word format, so that I can provide revision notes in Review mode.
For either copy editing or structural editing I charge £50.00 per 10,000 words so, for example, proofreading a 50,000 word novel or non-fiction book would cost £250.00.
Just to be clear, here is the basic guide for prices: copy editing or structural editing for a 10,000 word story = £50.00; 20,000 words = £100.00; 30,000 words = £150.00; 40,000 words = £200.00, etc.
If you want both copy editing and structural editing for a novel I give a 10% discount, so a 50,000 word novel would cost a total of £450.
If you want to get structural analysis when you are planning a book or at an early stage, so you want to discuss it rather than send me a finished manuscript, I would charge £20 per hour.
I will provide a contract to be signed by me and by the author(s) and I will do the work and send an invoice along with corrections/suggested changes. You will then make full payment using a credit card or PayPal account sent to me through a secure PayPal site. I am happy to answer any questions you have at any time.
How to Get in Touch
Just e-mail me at clare.solomon@merodaukediting.co.uk or fill in the contact form below with anything you want to know or to book me to edit your work. Just let me know what type of editing you want done, if you need it done by a certain time, the length of your novel and the genre.
If you would like to see an example of my work before booking an edit, you are welcome to send the first 10% of the manuscript and I will revise this and return it to you. If you go ahead with the work this sample will be included in the overall word length but, of course, if you do not want to get any editing done after seeing the sample you will owe me no money.
I very much hope to work with you soon.